Study commissions

(© German Bundestag / Janine Schmitz / photothek)
Study commissions are used for the preparation of decisions on wide-ranging and significant issues. Although the Rules of Procedure only prescribe their creation if at least one quarter of the Members vote for the relevant motion, study commissions are however ultimately supported by a broad majority, as their aim is to find, on a cross-party basis, answers to urgent future-relevant questions that cannot be easily responded to in day-to-day politics.
Study commissions are comprised equally of Members of the Bundestag, appointed by the parliamentary groups in proportion to the number of seats held, and experts from the fields of academia, economics and society. These experts have equal status as members of the study commission and are able to vote within it. The aim of the work within the commissions is to draft a report once their work is concluded, containing an analysis of the status quo and subsequent recommendations for action to be taken by Parliament. These may lead to legislative amendments or to new laws.