Adoption of legislation

Federal Law Gazette (© German Bundestag/Sylvia Bohn)
No lawmaking without Parliament
In the Federal Republic of Germany, the making of law is a task performed by the country’s parliaments. The German Bundestag is therefore the most important organ of the legislative. It decides on all laws that fall within the sphere of competence of the German Federation in a legislative process that also requires the participation of the Bundesrat.
The Members and parliamentary groups of the German Bundestag are entitled to introduce new or revised pieces of legislation in the Bundestag as bills – a right also enjoyed by the Bundesrat and the Federal Government. It is in Parliament that such bills are debated, deliberated on and voted on in accordance with a precisely regulated procedure.
Since, under Germany’s federal system, the Länder hold a considerable share of the powers of the state, the Bundesrat also participates in the adoption of legislation. All acts are submitted to the Bundesrat for it to vote on and – depending on the nature of the proposed legislation – it may even cause the rejection of some proposals.