
27th Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in July 2018 in Berlin

Logo of the 27th Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in July 2018 in Berlin

27th Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly in July 2018 in Berlin (© German Bundestag)

Around 300 parliamentarians from 57 Member States will meet in Berlin from 7 to 11 July 2018 for the 27th Annual Session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly. Within the framework of the Session’s overarching topic “Implementing OSCE Commitments – the Role of Parliaments”, they will deliberate on draft resolutions in the General Committees on “Political Affairs and Security”, “Economic Affairs, Science, Technology and Environment” and “Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions”. The goal is to conclude the Session with the adoption of the Berlin Declaration. In addition, the Ad Hoc Committees on Migration and on Countering Terrorism will present reports with recommendations for action to the governments.

Media representatives can register for accreditation to the event. In order to do so, they must fill out the accreditation form and email it to the address given in the document, together with a copy of their press pass, with the reference “Press Accreditation for OSCEPA Berlin” in the subject line.

Further information and documentation on the Session can be accessed directly from the Website of the OSCE PA.