Angela Bulloch
born 1966 in Ontario/Canada, lives in Berlin and London.
British artist Angela Bulloch creates a subtle link between Members of the Bundestag and visitors in a cleverly suggestive installation: when someone sits down on one of the coloured benches in the foyer outside the conference room of the European Committee, electrical contacts cause a matching coloured light to be illuminated in the foyer of the visitors’ restaurant on the floor below. Those who are sitting on the benches in the “Seats of Power”, however, have no idea what is happening in the “Spheres of Influence” beneath them, and vice versa.
With this colourful and playful installation the artist touches lightly on one of life’s fundamental questions, namely the extent to which the individual has freedom of choice or action, in other words the conflict between personal liberty and the law. The question as to the limits of personal choice and freedom has a particular significance in the Paul Löbe Building – a place where parliamentary committees meet and important political decisions are made.