The Bundestag on the move

The Bundestag mobile information unit (© German Bundestag/Zumbansen)
The Bundestag mobile information unit
The German Bundestag’s mobile information unit is back on the road in 2017, travelling the country to provide visitors with information on Parliament’s role and how it works. Members from the constituencies visited are also on hand, alongside freelance staff from the Bundestag. The mobile information unit shows films and provides access to the Bundestag websites. Information material is also available free of charge. Groups of visitors, such as school classes, can register for a presentation on what Parliament does and how it works.
Find out here which towns and cities the mobile information unit is visiting and when: list of dates
Mobile exhibition

Mobile exhibition (© German Bundestag/Fritz Reiss)
The German Bundestag’s mobile exhibition visits the Members’ constituencies at their invitation. Twenty-one display boards provide visitors with useful information about the German Bundestag. Films can be watched and the Bundestag website visited at two computer terminals. A freelance member of staff from the Bundestag is on hand to answer questions. Groups of visitors, such as school classes, can register for a presentation on what Parliament does and how it works.
Find out here where you can visit the mobile exhibition: list of dates
Consumer fairs

Communications stand at a consumer fair (© German Bundestag/J.F. Müller)
The German Bundestag is represented at consumer fairs throughout Germany with a communications stand. Members and freelance staff are available for informative discussions. Information material is available at the stand free of charge. Groups of visitors, such as school classes, can register to visit the stand and listen to a presentation on what Parliament does and how it works, or take part in discussions with Members from the respective region. In addition, the Petitions Committee attends some fairs, allowing citizens to discuss their petitions directly with the committee Members in person.
Find out here which consumer fairs the Bundestag is visiting: list of dates